The ‘Khamoshiyan’ actor, Gurmeet Choudhary, recently took to Instagram to share the secret behind his fit physique. The actor, known for his dedication to fitness and healthy living, posted a shirtless photo flaunting his well-defined abs, which left his fans in awe. In his post, Gurmeet revealed that he hasn’t indulged in his favorite snack, samosas, for 14 long years.
Gurmeet shared the photo with a heartfelt caption that read, “It’s been 14 years since I last ate a samosa, even though I love them! That’s the kind of dedication it takes to maintain my physique. Filming almost every day, yet never forgetting my workouts and diet.”
The post quickly garnered attention, with fans and followers flooding the comment section with their reactions. One user humorously remarked, “Iss body ke liye samosa ka tyaag karna padta hai” (You have to give up on samosas to attain this kind of physique). Another fan showered the actor with praise, commenting, “You are one in a trillion.”
Despite his busy filming schedule, he consistently finds time to work out and maintain a strict diet. His journey to achieving and maintaining such a physique is an inspiration to many, demonstrating the level of sacrifice and dedication required.
On the professional front, Gurmeet Choudhary has made a significant mark in both the television and Bollywood film industries. He gained immense popularity for his portrayal of Rama in the television series ‘Ramayana’ and Maan Singh Khurana in ‘Geet—Hui Sabse Parayi.’ His performances have earned him a loyal fan base and critical acclaim.
Gurmeet has also ventured into the world of cinema, appearing in films such as ‘The Wife’, ‘Mr. X’, and ‘Wajah Tum Ho’.
His recent Instagram post is a testament to his unwavering dedication to his craft and his health. By sharing his personal sacrifices, like giving up samosas, Gurmeet provides a glimpse into the discipline and hard work that go into maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle.
Gurmeet shared the photo with a heartfelt caption that read, “It’s been 14 years since I last ate a samosa, even though I love them! That’s the kind of dedication it takes to maintain my physique. Filming almost every day, yet never forgetting my workouts and diet.”
The post quickly garnered attention, with fans and followers flooding the comment section with their reactions. One user humorously remarked, “Iss body ke liye samosa ka tyaag karna padta hai” (You have to give up on samosas to attain this kind of physique). Another fan showered the actor with praise, commenting, “You are one in a trillion.”
Despite his busy filming schedule, he consistently finds time to work out and maintain a strict diet. His journey to achieving and maintaining such a physique is an inspiration to many, demonstrating the level of sacrifice and dedication required.
On the professional front, Gurmeet Choudhary has made a significant mark in both the television and Bollywood film industries. He gained immense popularity for his portrayal of Rama in the television series ‘Ramayana’ and Maan Singh Khurana in ‘Geet—Hui Sabse Parayi.’ His performances have earned him a loyal fan base and critical acclaim.
Gurmeet has also ventured into the world of cinema, appearing in films such as ‘The Wife’, ‘Mr. X’, and ‘Wajah Tum Ho’.
His recent Instagram post is a testament to his unwavering dedication to his craft and his health. By sharing his personal sacrifices, like giving up samosas, Gurmeet provides a glimpse into the discipline and hard work that go into maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle.
Gurmeet Choudhary gives CPR to a man suffering a heart attack on the street of Mumbai